Monday, 10 January 2011

By believeing that it has no affect on me, I free myself from the affects that it has on me

This article talks about the attacks the existentialism has upon it. It talks about how people will attack the existentialist believers about how all it does is drop them into a pit of despair. I completly disagree with this attack on existentialism, as the whole idea is to free yourself. How can you free yourself if you become saddled with grief after trying to free yourself. Thats why I like the existentialist belief system. The basic beleif is that you free yourself by accepting that none of your actions have any repurcusions. While this can be interpreted as a serial killer thinking that its alright to murder people, it isn't intended that way. It is intended as a way to free oneself from the constraints of mortal life. For example, I am really scared of talking to new people. I'm constantly afraid that I'm going to say something that will either a) make them think I'm weird or b) upset them. If I followed the beliefs of existentialism, I would be unafraid of these things, and talk to them no matter what. Therefore freeing myself from the worries of social life. The same thing would happen if I was to express myself artisticly or musically, not worrying about what people think of the media that I produce. Therefore, the artistic minds of the world are bettered by existentialist beliefs. Where would the art industry be if people were scared to try new things? We would have had no innovations like experimentalism or serialism, both two movements that influenced all sorts of music that we all take for granted now, such as dance, house or even (shudder) drum and bass. While the orginial two were around before existentialism, the basic belief that you should try something without thinknig about how it affects you applies here. I believe that I am going to have to start following the belief, I would find it a lot easier to intergrate myself into my new schools society, and maybe get to know more people than the 6 or 7 that I know right now.  All in all, I believe that when existentialism is followed at the bare bone beliefs, it works perfectly, and that by following the belief that no repercurssion will affect you, a lot more social, artistic and scientific development will affect the human race.

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