Thursday, 24 May 2012

Final Blog Portfolio


Film Adaptation of Oleanna

Masks In Hedda and A Streetcar Named Desire

The Allusion of Oleanna

Themes and Motifs Of Oleanna

Hedda Gabler Essay Analysis


Hedda Gabler Essay Analysis

In this post, I analyse a critical essay written about Hedda Gabler, and critique how it analyses the play. 


Film Adaptation of Oleanna

In this post, I counteract what Gautam says about the film adaptation of Oleanna failing.


Theme in Oleanna (Gautam's Blog)

In this post, I disagree with the way that Gautam thinks theme is conveyed in Oleanna, and I challenge it.


Masks In Hedda and A Streetcar Named Desire

In this post, I agree with a comment made by Ms. Morgan, and I expand upon it.

Wild Card:


I don't really know how to explain this post. Just that something terrible happened to me last night, and that I had to write this out. Just so that I could cope with it a little more. 



I loved you.

You loved me.

Wait...did you?

You say you did..

But now... now you tell me you aren't happy.

You're not happy....with me.

You say that you are happy with me. Just not....WITH me.

I understand. You say we can be friends.

I say we are friends. I say that you are my best friend.

You agree. You say that being in a relationship doesn't make you happy. told me I did.

You...lied to me.

I promised you I would never leave.

But you took that choice away from me.

You say that you don't want to lose me.

But I can tell that I've already lost you.

I still love you.

And I hope, you still love me.